Mod Livin’ | YARD SALE



Yes, friends, despite the obvious hindrance of not actually having a yard, we’re having a yard sale.  This is actually quite exciting for us.  

Little known fact: we’re a bunch of hoarders.  

Sure, we’re well enough versed at keeping up appearances and shoving everything into closets or under beds when we entertain, but the truth is we tend to bite off more than we can chew when out buying.

In an attempt to make some room in our lives, we’re hosting a two-day sale.  Everything in the showroom will be 20% – 70% off (both new and vintage), which is news enough.  We’ve decided to take it to the next level, however.  Our vintage dealers are cleaning out their respective storage facilities and bringing in special items that have never seen the showroom before.  These items will only be available during the two-day sale and will be priced by people who really don’t want  to haul them back to aforementioned storage facilities.  The pieces will be everything from portions of their personal collections which are ready to be released back into the wild, to items that need a little love or a DIY touch.

To sweeten the deal, we’re opening at 8AM both days to keep you early birds singing and serving lemonade all weekend long.

Come one, come all, to the 2012 Mod Livin’ Yard Sale.

AUGUST 11 & 12 | 8 AM – 7 PM | 5327 E. COLFAX AVE